President Chavez expropriates the abandoned National Hardware Articles Industry (INAF)

In Venezuelan industrial city of Cagua in Aragua, workers of a Major abandoned company in question had been requesting expropriation through the Venezuelan bureaucracy since 2006. This had not worked out for the workers until now.

President Chavez expropriates the abandoned National Hardware Articles Industry (INAF) maintained by desperate united workers without banking support.

Spanish version reported on www.aporrea.org           

In Venezuelan industrial city of Cagua in Aragua, workers of a Major abandoned company in question had been requesting expropriation through the Venezuelan bureaucracy since 2006. This had not worked out for the workers until now.

President Chavez, during his last weekly Sunday TV show, narrated that some days back, he had seen a clip by Venezuelan Television (VTV), where the INAF workers discussed their situation. Chavez asked where this company was located given that this video had not been clear at giving location information. As soon as he received this information, which took several hours, he ordered an immediate expropriation process. He learned about this situation as he saw a video.

Aporrea.org placed a phone call and contacted the president of Cooperative Inmanfer RL, Jose Leon, who reported that officials with the Ministry of Science and Technology and Intermediate Industries, were there at INAF retrieving information relating to the company.

Leon reported that the INAF has been under the control of workers since June 8th 2006, when the heads of the company left and abandoned it because they did not have financial ability.

Leon complained that it has been since 2006 that they initiated a long tour throughout all governmental institutions; retrieving and submitting documents in search of this expropriation.

 “We did it all. They asked us for a project, and we delivered a project. They then asked us for an economic analysis; we delivered that as well. They asked us to take courses of ideological and sociopolitical awareness, and we did that too. In short words, we did it all but the expropriation did never appear to come at all.”

Currently, there are 60 of them working in the factory. They have been able to produce without loans or support from the banking.

Workers remain united and are expecting gladly for this dream to realize.

See here VTV’s VIDEO “Informe Semanal Economia”:

This video is reported to be the reason why Chavez made a workers’ expected decision on the expropriation of major abandoned hardware company in Cagua, Aragua State.







Presidente Chávez ordenó la expropiación de la Industria Nacional de Artículos de Ferretería (INAF)

Por: Aporrea.org           

Fecha de publicación: 09/11/09

Credito: Aporrea.org

9 de noviembre de 2009.-El Presidente Chávez en el Aló Presidente del día domingo 8 de noviembre ordenó se iniciara el proceso de expropiación de la Industria Nacional de Artículos de Ferretería (INAF) ubicada en Cagua estado Aragua.

El Presidente en su acostumbrado programa dominical comentó que en días pasados había visto un video (Informe Semanal Economía de VTV) donde los trabajadores exponían su situación. A partir de allí preguntó donde quedaba la empresa porque en el video no quedaba clara su ubicación. Pasadas algunas horas la información llegó al Presidente y de inmediato ordenó se iniciara el proceso de expropiación.

President Chavez, during his last weekly Sunday TV show, narrated that some days back, he had seen a clip by Venezuelan Television (VTV), where the INAF workers discussed their situation. Chavez asked where this company was located given that this video had not been clear at giving location information. As soon as he received this information, he ordered an immediate expropriation process.

Aporrea.org se comunicó vía telefónica con el Presidente de la Cooperativa Inmanfer RL José León quien informó que en este momento se encontraban los funcionarios del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología e Industrias Intermedias presentes en la fábrica levantando la información de la empresa.

Aporrea.org made phone contact with the president of Cooperative Inmanfer RL, Jose Leon, who reported that officials with the Ministry of Science and Technology and Intermediate Industries were there at INAF retrieving information about the company.

León dijo que el INAF está bajo control de los trabajadores desde el 8 de junio de 2006, cuando los patronos se fueron y la abandonaron porque no tenían capacidad de pagos.

Leon reported that the INAF has been under the control of workers since June 8th 2006, when the heads of the company left and abandoned it because they did not have financial ability.

León manifestó que desde el 2006 se inició un largo periplo por todas las instituciones del Estado llevando y trayendo información y papeles en la búsqueda de la expropiación.

Leon complained that it has been since 2006 that they initiated a long tour throughout all governmental institutions; retrieving and submitting documents in search of this expropriation.

"Hicimos de todo, me pidieron proyecto, proyectos hicimos; nos pidieron análisis económicos, análisis entregamos; nos pidieron formación sociopolítica, curso hicimos y talleres ideológicos; en fin cumplimos con todo lo que nos pedía pero la expropiación no salía".

“We did it all. They asked us for a project, and we delivered a project. They then asked us for an economic analysis; we submitted that as well. They asked us to take courses of ideological and sociopolitical awareness, and we did that too. In short words, we did it all but the expropriation did not occur.” But this was only until Chavez saw a report by state-run Venezuelan TV that broadcasted the video report. 

Actualmente en la fábrica laboramos 60 trabajadores, hemos producido sin crédito ni apoyo de los bancos.

Currently, there are 60 of them working in the factory. They have been able to produce without loans or support from the banking.

Los trabajadores se mantienen reunidos y esperan con mucha alegría que este sueño se haga una realidad.

Vea aquí el segmento del "Informe Semanal Economía" que transmite VTV y que dio lugar para que el Presidente Chávez pidiese la expropiación de la empresa.

See here:

VTV’s VIDEO “Informe Semanal Economia”

This video is reported to be the reason why Chavez made a final decision on the expropriation of major abandoned hardware company. 


This is the original unformatted text in Spanish as published by the site mentioned in each article or piece of news. Translation and adaptation is by Jose Herrera-Ramirez 8947 08-2006



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