Australia´s CFMEU trade union in solidarity with Venezuela
- 01 November 2005

Resolution on Venezuela
October 17 2005
The CFMEU Construction and Energy Division congratulates and supports the Venezuelan government for its utilization of the country's wealth and resources for reforms to benefit working people, the poor and the landless.
We note the results of the referendum last August in Venezuela that gave President Hugo Chávez an overwhelming victory and a strengthened democratic mandate.
The CFMEU Construction and Energy Division further notes that these results confirm that there is overwhelming support among working people and the poor for the social programme of the Chávez government in relation to education, literacy, job training, health care, land reform and subsidised food.
However, we view with alarm the bellicose statements being made by the US Administration and its allies in Columbia and the oligarchy in Venezuela which pose a real threat to these reforms.
We deplore the attempts of the United States administration to intervene in the internal life of Venezuela and agrees to raise these concerns with the Australian government.
We express our solidarity with trade unionists in Venezuela and rejects any outside interference in their affairs.
We note the independent poll in July that showed over 70% support for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. We also note the Venezuelan threat to suspend oil exports to the US if attacks on its government continue.
We resolve to support the Venezuelan people's efforts to preserve their democratically elected government.
The CFMEU very much regrets that our intended visitors from the new Bolivarian trade unions in Venezuela were not able to be with us at this conference. We will seek to overcome the technical difficulties and host a delegation from Venezuela in the near future. We should also aim to exchange delegations next year to learn more of the circumstances in Venezuela.
We undertake to make our position known in the broader CFMEU and the ACTU and seek to win broad endorsement of the position adopted in this resolution.