On September 26 - we support the Bolivarian revolution
- 17 August 2010

- because it has courageously stood up to imperialism
- because it has invested the money from the oil revenue in the eradication of illiteracy and the extension of education at all levels
- because it has made a gigantic effort in extending health care to the poorest sections of society with the Mision Barrio Adentro
- because it has started a process of expropriation of the latifundia and the redistribution of land
- because it has faced the monopoly of the mass media and moved towards the democratisation of access to the media
- because it has reverted the process of privatisation of state owned companies and utilities and has renationalised some of those which had been privatised
- because it has dared to occupy abandoned factories and put them to work under workers' control
- because it has started to introduce workers' control in the basic industries
- because it has raised the banner of socialism in the 21st century
- because a defeat of the revolution would mean an advance of imperialism, the oligarchy, the land owners and capitalists, of those who organised the coup in April 2002
- because the revolution has not yet been completed
for these and many more reasons, we support the Bolivarian revolution and the candidates of PSUV in September 26 and we remain alert to counter the campaign of lies and provocations on the part of imperialism and the counter-revolution.