
Chancelor David Choquehuanca reported that the Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) scheduled for December 14 and 15 will surely discuss the use of the 7 US military bases in Colombia.”
On Tuesday, Bolivian President, Evo Morales, asserted that he will call for an ALBA emergency meeting in order to analyze the US military bases situation in Colombia.

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In Venezuelan industrial city of Cagua in Aragua, workers of a Major abandoned company in question had been requesting expropriation through the Venezuelan bureaucracy since 2006. This had not worked out for the workers until now.

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An official document from the Department of the US Air Force reveals that the military base in Palanquero, Colombia will provide the Pentagon with “…an opportunity for conducting full spectrum operations throughout South America…” Both the US and Colombian governments have publicly stated that the military agreement refers only to counternarcotics and counterterrorism operations within Colombian territory.

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Por: Franz J. T. Lee - En el tercer milenio la conquista beligerante a nivel global de la “Humania del Sur”, especialmente del Caribe, Centroamérica y América del Sur, por parte de los Estados Unidos de América, está en pleno apogeo. Sin embargo, en el escenario histórico mundial, en vísperas de un posible colapso del sistema capitalista, está haciendo estragos una inexorable guerra pírrica que amenaza con devorar a las propias superpotencias. Oscar Wilde, en consonancia política con Rosa Luxemburgo, ha descrito de manera muy conmovedora la quintaesencia de la “Revolución Americana” y sus consecuencias nefastas:

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Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, said Sunday that if the USA attacked Venezuela militarily through Colombia, it would initiate a “100-year-long war”, which would spread throughout the region.

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