No Volverán Showing in Ottawa

On Friday, November 30th Hands off Venezuela Ottawa, in Cooperation with the University of Ottawa Cinema Politica group conducted Ottawa's first screening of No Volverán. On Friday, November 30th Hands off Venezuela Ottawa, in Cooperation with the University of Ottawa Cinema Politica group conducted Ottawa's first screening of No Volverán.
Over one hundred people turned out to see this spectacular film, some of which had never heard of the Venezuelan revolution before. The film was very well received and when it finished, was greeted with much applause and almost an hour of questions and discussion on the Venezuelan revolution, workers control, the constitution and the basic ideas of socialism.
Having the opportunity to talk to various people after the question and discussion session it became obvious that the focus on workers control had caused people to begin to think about how capitalism really works and how it is possible to do without oppressive bosses. Many people signed up to Hands Off Venezuela, purchased a copy of the DVD, and expressed their desire to engage in further activities.
This was a very successful event and we hope to have more of the same in Ottawa in the near future.

Adam Fulsom
Hands off Venezuela Ottawa

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