No Volveran: An Inspiration for the Workers in Jombang (Indonesia)
- 24 April 2009
No Volveran was
screened for the first time in Jombang, a small city in the East
Java, Indonesia. This screening event took place at the University
Darul Ulum Jombang (UNDAR) on April 12th and was organized
by the Hands Off Venezuela branch in Malang. This documentary has
been previously screened in a number of other cities in Indonesia.
The documentary records the struggle of the Venezuelan people to reclaim their rights from the corrupt government of the fourth republic. Under the leadership of Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan masses move toward a socialist society. The documentary No Volveran which was produced by the Hands Off Venezuela activists inspired workers in their struggle against capitalism.
A number of workers and students from SPBI and SPM watched the revolutionary struggle that was waged by the Venezuelan masses which ended in a constitutional victory (the electoral victory of Chavez).
This documentary conveyed a fighting spirit to the workers so that they are not afraid to build trade unions as a fighting organization to liberate themselves from the repression of the capitalists.
Andy Irfan Junaidy, the secretary general of SPBI, in the discussion after the screening emphasized that the workers have to organize themselves and that trade union is a tool to strengthen the workers’ struggle. This could be seen from the experience of the workers in Venezuela who successfully occupied factories as a step toward socialism.
It is important for us
to see this film as a part of the workers struggle, of course by
understanding the political and economic situation in Indonesia which
is also ruled by the capitalists, as well as the electoral situation
in Indonesia which is controlled by the interest of global
The revolutionary process in Venezuela can become an inspiration for us to put forward revolution as the only change. We will march forward to the gate of change by waging relentlessly the working class struggle toward socialism in Indonesia.
The experience in Venezuela answers the doubt of the workers in Jombang who have been afraid to organize a union. The workers struggle cannot be done individually.
At the end of the discussion, Andy asked those who were present to participate in building the Hands Off Venezuela campaign in Indonesia and to build solidarity with the Venezuelan revolution.
Source: Hands Off Venezuela Indonesia