The Hungarian - Venezulean Solidarity Association protests against Honduran coup

The Hungarian - Venezulean Solidarity Association held a demonstration in front of the US Embassy at Budapes against the coup in Honduaras (report in English and in Spanish) The Hungarian - Venezulean Solidarity Association held a demonstration in front of the US Embassy at Budapes against the coup in Honduaras
(report in English and in Spanish)

hungarian_honduras_picket.jpgThe Hungarian - Venezuelan Solidarity Association held a demonstration on Sunday against the coup in Honduras. Thirteen civil and solidarity organizations and parties joined our protest. We held the demonstration in front of the US Embassy at Budapest, because we demanded from the US government to condemn the coup and declare it a coup so the US financial aid wouldn't go to the illegal government of Honduras which is using this money for their self-interest.  We wanted to hand over a petition to the US Embassy but they refused it, but two Hungarian TV channel was interested in our action and reported it.

La Companía de solidaridad con Venezuela organizó una manifestación que tuvo lugar en el domingo pasado.

A nuestra demonstración se incorporaron trece organizaciones cíviles y solidaritarios además algunos partidos.

La demonstración tuvo lugar delante de la embajada de Los Estados Unidos,para así demandarles que desaprueben oficialmente y que declaren el golpe de estado recién pasado en Honduras,y a consecuencia de este crimen interrumpan el subsidio que a la hora es gastado por el gobierno de putch.

La embajada de USA no tomó nuestra petición,lo rechazó,pero por otra parte había dos canales que se informaron  de nuestra reunión.

Hungarian - Venezuelan Solidarity Association
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