Accusations of Terrorism and Anti-Semitism Leveled by L.A. Times

The Los Angeles Times continued its trend of biased reporting on Venezuela yesterday, running an article that claims the radical group Hezbollah is tolerated - even supported - by the Chavez administration. Help us remind the Times that Venezuela does not support terrorism, and demand that they correct the record!


The Los Angeles Times continued its trend of biased reporting on Venezuela yesterday, running an article that claims the radical group Hezbollah is tolerated - even supported - by the Chavez administration. Help us remind the Times that Venezuela does not support terrorism, and demand that they correct the record!

Read the full article, entitled "Hezbollah presence in Venezuela feared."

Then, write a concise letter to the editor of 200 words or less and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Here are some points to mention in your letter:

1) The Venezuelan government does not support terrorism, in any form. OAS Secretary General Insulza has testified before Congress: "does Venezuela support terrorist groups? I don't think so.  …. There is no evidence, and no member country, including this one [the U.S.] has offered the OAS such proof."

2) The Times article is based on just two unconvincing quotes by an anonymous "Western anti-terrorism official." This is not enough information on which to condemn Venezuela. Such an egregious lack of evidence is irresponsible, and makes clear the Times' bias.

3) Condemnations of Venezuela by the U.S. Treasury and State Department are cited by the Times, but the Bush administration has never proven any of its allegations against the Chavez government. The Venezuelan officials accused of helping Hezbollah have attested that the charges are false, and no independent party has shown otherwise.

4) The State Department's reports on terrorism are highly politicized and do not always reflect reality. Venezuela was deemed "not cooperating fully" with anti-terror efforts, but its own security agenda has been hindered by a U.S. embargo on military equipment and refusals by the U.S. to honor extradition treaties.

5) Venezuela has been a strong advocate for peace in the region, lending a hand with hostage talks in Colombia and spearheading regional cooperation agreements and initiatives on food and energy security.

6) Venezuela under Chavez has a track record of religious tolerance, equality, and social inclusion.


Chavez invited leaders of prominent Jewish organizationsOne more thing!

Be sure to read the VIO's new fact sheet on the relationship between the administration of President Chavez and the Jewish community in Venezuela and abroad. This topic is a very important one, considering the persistence of allegations like those made in the Times yesterday.

Earlier this month, President Chavez invited the leaders of prominent Jewish organizations (pictured at right) to begin a dialogue on improving understanding between this community and the Venezuelan government. All parties reported that the meeting was positive. The head of the Latin American Jewish Congress said, "The Jewish community is more at ease now with President Hugo Chávez, who demonstrated he is a great friend of the Jewish community and who wants to fight anti-Semitism in Latin America."

To read the fact sheet and find out more, click here.

Source: Venezuela Information Office, August 28, 2008

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