Scottish TUC passes resolution on Venezuela

Three weeks ago, the Scottish passed a resolution pledging support with Venezuela. We are republishing it here.

The STUC passed the following resolution No. 108 on Venezuela:

“That this Congress recognises that a social revolution is happening in Venezuela.

“Congress congratulates and supports the Venezuelan government for its utilisation of the country’s wealth and resources for reforms to benefit working people, the poor and the landless.

“Congress notes the results of the referendum last August that gave President Hugo Chávez an overwhelming victory and a strengthened democratic mandate.

“Congress further notes that these results confirm that there is overwhelming support among working people and the poor for the social programmes of the Chávez government, in relation to education, literacy, training, health care, land reform, housing and subsidised food.

“However, Congress condemns the belligerent statements made by the US administration, its allies in Columbia and the oligarchy in Venezuela, which threaten these reforms, and deplores the attempts by the US administration to intervene in the internal affairs of Venezuela.

“Congress expresses its solidarity with trade unionists in Venezuela and rejects any outside interference in their activities.

“Congress agrees to support wider trade union and labour movement initiatives to highlight the issue of Venezuela within Scotland, and endorses the TUC's decision to send a delegation to meet and build links with trade unionists in Venezuela. Further, the STUC to invite a Venezulan Trade Union Delegation to address the 2007 STUC Congress.

“Furthermore, Congress will work with trade union endorsed organisations striving to provide solidarity to Venezuela and encourages all affiliates to do likewise.

“Congress is concerned about the lack of media coverage of events in Venezuela, and urges the General Council to establish relations with the Venezuelan National Union of Workers (UNT) to ensure that news of trade union and related issues are more widely available to our movement.”

“Congress agrees to invite a delegation from the UNT to the STUC Congress 2007 to report on developments in the country and describe the changes brought about by the Chavez Government.”