Rubén Linares is coming to Denmark

Ruben Linares, one of the national coordinators of the Venezuelan UNT, will be in Denmark between September 27 and October 4, invited by HOV-Denmark. Here we provide the details of his speaking tour.

From Thursday, September 27 to October 4, Rubén Linares, one of the national coordinators of the UNT, the Venezuelan revolutionary trade union confederation, will be touring Denmark to speak about the developments in the Bolivarian revolution, workers' control and Socialism in the 21st century.

This speaking tour is organized by the Danish chapter of the international Hands Off Venezuela campaign. This will be a unique opportunity for young people, workers and trade unionists to hear about the exciting revolutionary events unfolding in Venezuela.

Rubén will be one of the main guests at the Danish Social Forum, that is taking place in Copenhagen September 28-30. Last year the event attracted some 3000 people throughout the weekend and this year's forum is expected to be of the same size.

Apart from that, Rubén will be speaking at various public meetings, in schools, trade unions and with the press. He will also participate in the big demonstrations that have been called by the trade union movement for October 2 against the cuts of the right-wing government.

We invite all those who have an interest in the Venezuelan revolution to come along for the public meetings and help us make this speaking tour a success.

This is the programme so far:

28th October, 4pm-6pm: Workshop with Rubén at the Danish Social Forum in Copenhagen. (Place: Kulturstaldene, Onkel Dannys  Plads, Halmtorvet, Kbh. V).

29th October, 4.30pm-6.30pm: Meeting at the Danish Social Forum: "Latin America on its way forward". Rubén will be one of the main speakers.  (Place: Kulturstaldene, Onkel Dannys  Plads, Halmtorvet, Kbh. V).

1st October, 7pm: Public meeting in Aarhus (Place: Hovedbiblioteket, Møllegade 1, Århus C)

2nd October, 7.30pm: Public meeting organized by Socialistisk UngdomsFront-Østerbro. (Place: Griffendtfeldtsgade 41, 2200 København N)

3rd October, 7pm: Public meeting on Venezuela in Copenhagen, organized by HoV together with the Café of World-Culture. (Place: VerdensKulturCenteret,  Nørre Allé 7, København N)

4th October, 12am: Speech at the assembly of school students in Det Fri Gymnasium  (Place: Det Fri Gymnasium, Møllegade 26. København  N)

4th October, 6.30am: Public meeting, organized by Dagbladet  Arbejderen and Kommunistisk Parti. (Place: Dagbladet Arbejderen, Ryesgade 3F,  København N)